
Dear reader,

Welcome to my website, and thank you for taking the time to read. I have the most amazing story to share with you, and my first book could change your life or the life of someone you know.

If you have any experience, directly or indirectly, with brain injury, stroke, or posttraumatic stress disorder, then my book is a must read!

There are at least 1.7 million traumatic brain injuries that occur every year in the United States alone, not including strokes or other acquired brain injuries.

Numerous books have been written about rehabilitation; however, my story is not the typical recovery and rehabilitation story, rather the magical and much more rapid brain injury repair that occurred because of cutting edge technology. There are no other books yet that contain the story of a patient who was successfully treated with hyperbaric oxygen therapy by Dr. Paul G. Harch. Doc, I Want My Brain Back is the truth-is-stranger-than-fiction account of my brain injury, numerous misdiagnoses, and eventual repair. For every great doctor in the history of medicine, there must be the successfully treated patient, and I am that patient, successfully retrieved from institutionalization and even the edge of suicide.

But now that the good doctor helped me to get my brain back…

I am a fan of science fiction, southwest literature, mysteries, inspirational devotionals, British literature, travel books, poetry, songwriting guidance, self-help, recovery literature, social reform, and so many other wonderful literary genres. A few of my favorite authors include Edward Abbey, Tony Hillerman, Jack Williamson, William Shakespeare, Charles Dickens, Emily Brontë, Christopher Marlowe, Billy Graham, Stephen King, Edgar Allan Poe, George Orwell, Aldous Huxley, Rick Steves, and so many other authors.

I plan on establishing a writing career, not only music, but short stories, poetry, and books. Because of my astonishing recovery, I am free to dream and create new worlds and new possibilities for the readers’ enjoyment. My first project is a southwest fiction book entitled Osapana’s Flute, which will be about revenge, murder, mystery, and romance, with a twist. I thank you for visiting my webpage and hope to develop good friendships through my readership.

Please feel free to contact me with questions and/or comments; however, if you wish to seek medical advice regarding hyperbaric oxygen, please visit the following website: HBOT.COM | Giving people back their lives! Please know that there are many so-called experts out there with hyperbaric chambers and/or medical opinions, but only Dr. Harch has been the expert in the neurorehabilitation efforts through hyperbaric oxygen therapy for over twenty-two years now.

Image by Times Remembered Photography Studio